Gynecomastia, a condition characterized by enlarged male breasts, can be mild or moderate, and it can be easily addressed with gynecomastia surgery to reduce the breasts and create more defined chest contours.
Have excess localized fat in the chest
Have excess glandular tissue in the chest
Have excess breast skin
Have gynecomastia unilaterally (in one breast) or bilaterally (in two breasts)
Be affected emotionally and physically by enlarged male breasts
Excess breast tissue and fat on a male can be unflattering and embarrassing. This condition is known as gynecomastia and is a very common problem among men of all ages. The majority of men develop atypical breast tissue during adolescence. Excess fat and tissue in the chest area tend to naturally go away after puberty, although sometimes it doesn’t and leads to lasting breast development. Men suffering from gynecomastia may have enlarged male breasts for different reasons, such as from medications or drug use. Male breast reduction surgery, or gynecomastia surgery, is an ideal procedure for reducing fat and glandular tissue while providing more smooth and masculine chest contours. A personally tailored procedure is designed for each patient based on his severity of fat, tissue, and skin.
Either a mild sedative and local anesthetic or general anesthesia will be administered depending on the degree of correction needed
Small incisions are made in the target area
A thin, hollow tube (cannula) is inserted through the incisions and moved back and forth in a controlled motion to loosen fat
The fat is suctioned through the cannula using a vacuum device
Incisions are closed with surgical tape or sutures
Excision is frequently performed with the aid of liposuction
A general anesthetic is administered
A half-moon incision is made around the lower half of each areola (the colored skin around the nipple), leaving undetectable scars
Excess glandular tissue and fat are removed
It is uncommon for skin excision to be needed
Incisions are closed with surgical tape or sutures
Before and After Photos - Individual results may vary. Some images may be models.
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