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Breast Reconstruction Surgery in Tucson, AZ

Cancer reminds those who triumph over the disease how precious life is. Yet, for some women, losing their breasts in the battle against cancer can be an enduring source of lost self-esteem, and their scars are a constant reminder of the struggle they faced during their cancer treatment. Breasts are, for many women, a sign of feminine identity, and when the dust has settled after successful cancer treatment, wanting to reclaim that femininity is a natural progression that they come to.

Gone are the days when women did not have any options to help them restore their breast proportions after undergoing a mastectomy. Dr. Nelson is highly skilled in performing breast reconstruction and has used his mastery of surgical reconstruction to develop his own innovative, successful techniques to recreate a woman’s feminine figure most effectively.

What Is Breast Reconstruction?

Women who have lost one or both breasts due to breast cancer often turn to breast reconstruction surgery to restore their breasts. Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure that rebuilds the breasts through various techniques, including breast implants, fat transfer, and autologous tissue. Many women wish to restore the appearance of their bodies before they had breast cancer, and breast reconstruction provides an option to do so while increasing women’s confidence in their bodies.

What Are the Benefits of Breast Reconstruction in Tucson, AZ?

Women often choose breast reconstruction surgery to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Increases sense of confidence
  • Restores breasts
  • Enhances feminine curves
  • Creates a proportional balance among body contours
  • Opens up wardrobe options and makes clothes fit better

Am I a Candidate for Breast Reconstruction?

Candidates for breast reconstruction surgery are often people who:

  • Have or will undergo a mastectomy
  • Are able to undergo surgery safely
  • Do not have additional medical conditions that may impact healing
  • Have reasonable expectations for surgery

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Nelson in Tucson, AZ, to learn if you’re a good candidate for breast reconstruction surgery.

What Are My Breast Reconstruction Options?

Here is a guide to some of the options you may have during your breast reconstruction process. While not every patient fits every possible procedure, there is likely an option readily available to enhance your reconstruction process.

Mastectomy + Expanders

This is the traditional method of breast reconstruction following a mastectomy. In this method, the cancerous breast tissue is removed, and expanders are inserted into the breast area in order to stretch the skin enough to house implants. The expanders can be placed at the end of the mastectomy procedure for immediate reconstruction, or the mastectomy may be completed, and the expanders can be placed at a later time, either weeks or months following the initial surgery, for delayed reconstruction.

Once the skin has been stretched adequately, the expander will be removed and the implant will be inserted. The entire process usually takes between four and six months.

Single-Stage Operation

For this option, Dr. Nelson will perform what is often referred to as a “one-and-done” breast reconstruction surgery. Once the mastectomy has been completed, Dr. Nelson will take over the operation.

He will replace the breast tissue that was removed during the mastectomy with a breast implant. In order to be considered a candidate for this procedure, the patient must have relatively small breasts, as excess breast tissue could create problems for recovery and the health of the surrounding skin tissue.

Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy

The extent of Dr. Nelson’s experience and education has culminated in this technique, which allows him to spare the entirety of the patient’s areolar structure to create an even more natural breast aesthetic. This procedure is a viable option for very specific, otherwise healthy patients who meet two important criteria.

The first requirement is that the patient has no cancerous tissue that has spread to or that is in extreme proximity to the nipple. If the nipple or surrounding tissue has been compromised by cancerous cells, then it is unsafe for the patient to consider saving the nipple-areola complex.

The second requirement, similar to the single-stage operation technique, is that the patient does not have overly large or sagging breasts. Since the procedure is being done in tandem with the mastectomy (once the mastectomy has been completed, Dr. Nelson will take over to insert an implant), excessive weight from an implant or breast tissue can cause the surrounding tissue to die. Patients with overly large or sagging breasts may have a breast lift or breast reduction performed six to eight weeks before the mastectomy to make the breasts compatible and allow for a nipple-sparing mastectomy.

Latissimus and TRAM Flaps

For patients who are uncomfortable with using implants, there is another option that is referred to as “autologous” tissue. This method uses tissue from another area of your body to reconstruct the breast appearance. It is often done for unilateral reconstruction.

A latissimus flap derives from the tissue behind your armpit and below the shoulder. This is the muscle that helps you perform functions like swinging a tennis racquet or playing golf. An oval of fat, tissue, and muscle will be taken from this area and used for reconstruction.

A TRAM (transverse rectus abdominis muscle) flap derives from the region of your abdomen between your waist and pubic bone. In addition to the skin and fat of this area, a portion of the underlying six-pack muscle is also used in this method of reconstruction.

Supplemental Options

Acellular Dermis

This technique is for select patients and uses segments of human or pig skin to supplement skin and tissue that was lost during the procedure. When used during the reconstruction process, the acellular dermis allows for a more aesthetically pleasing construction of the lower breast, reduces the likelihood of capsular contracture by catalyzing tissue growth, and promotes skin softness. It is usually used with an implant to provide support. In appropriate settings, an expander or implant can be covered with an acellular dermis and placed above the pectoral muscle to decrease animation deformities from muscle activity. This technique may also cause less pain during recovery, but it may require more fat grafting in the future compared to expanders and implants placed below the muscle.

Fat Transfer

This supplemental procedure can be used to enhance the appearance of breasts reconstructed with implants or flaps after the main procedure has completed the majority of its healing. Fat transfer is best used to correct rippling and contours of the breast tissue and can even be utilized to help bolster nipple projection and volume.

How Is Breast Reconstruction Surgery Performed?

The steps of your breast reconstruction procedure will vary depending on when you choose to have your surgery. When you begin to consider breast reconstruction surgery, the first factor you will need to understand is the difference between immediate and delayed breast reconstruction.

Immediate reconstruction begins the process of reconstructing the breast at the same time as the mastectomy procedure. Depending on your reconstruction method, this may mean that there are no additional surgeries to schedule, and you will only need to go under anesthesia once to remove cancerous tissue and simultaneously restore the breast appearance. Once the oncology surgeon has completed the mastectomy, Dr. Nelson will take over to insert the implant. For patients who are nervous about undergoing surgery but are otherwise in viable health, this is an ideal method.

Delayed reconstruction means that the mastectomy is performed on its own, and the breast reconstruction surgery is done at a later date. The separate reconstruction operation may be performed weeks or months after the mastectomy. For patients who are experiencing medical issues that increase operating table risks, this is the preferred method since it lessens the time and strain of the procedure.

What Is Breast Reconstruction Recovery Like?

The recovery of your reconstruction surgery is highly dependent on the type of surgery you are undergoing and your specific conditions. Reconstruction surgery typically takes longer to fully recover from than other breast procedures, but an overwhelming majority of women feel that the recovery process is worth the restoration of their feminine appearance.

During your breast reconstruction recovery, you’ll need to wear a compression bra to support the newly constructed breasts and reduce swelling. Dr. Nelson will let you know how long you’ll need to wear this support bra.

As the recovery process goes on, the shape and position of the reconstructed breasts will improve in appearance.

When Will I See My Breast Reconstruction Results?

Every woman’s body heals at a different rate, so the timeline for expecting the final results to develop can also vary. Your surgeon will be able to provide you with an estimated timeline for your results.

Many women see a significant improvement in their confidence and overall quality of life with their reconstructed breasts. Being cancer-free is a huge relief in many people’s lives; however, being able to restore the appearance of your breasts pre-cancer can be an equally relieving and rewarding experience. Women enjoy wearing clothes that fit nicely over their breasts without feeling like they need to hide their bodies.

Why Choose Dr. Jeffrey Nelson for Your Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

For many women, the appearance of their breasts is a personal and sensitive subject. This is especially true for breast cancer survivors. Choosing to get breast reconstruction surgery is a huge step that can greatly improve how women feel about their bodies and allow them to regain some control after fighting a deadly disease.

Dr. Nelson understands the personal nature of breast appearance and breast reconstruction surgery. He wants patients to feel comfortable and confident in their bodies, especially after their bodies have helped them persevere through so much. Dr. Nelson offers a wide variety of breast reconstruction options to help patients find the right fit for them. He provides a welcoming and comforting environment for patients throughout every step of their breast reconstruction journeys.

Frequently Asked Questions

Insurance companies are required to cover breast reconstruction as part of breast cancer treatment. Frequently, non-standard approaches like pre-mastectomy breast lifts or breast reductions to permit nipple-sparing mastectomies are not covered services and, therefore, would be self-pay procedures. Contact your insurance provider for specific details.
Most insurance providers will cover fat grafting for breast reconstruction. Contact your provider to learn about the specific details of your insurance coverage.
You will choose between saline or silicone implants. During your consultation, Dr. Nelson will discuss with you the advantages and disadvantages of each type of implant.
In many mastectomies, the nipple-areolar complex is completely removed. However, in qualifying candidates, nipple-sparing techniques can be used to preserve the appearance of the nipples and areolas. Dr. Nelson performs nipple-areolar delay procedures when possible so patients can keep their native nipple-areola complex during their mastectomy. The extent of sensation loss varies greatly from patient to patient. Patients should anticipate only a little sensory return to the full mastectomy skin and/or nipple-areola following mastectomy and reconstruction.

Want to Learn More About Breast Reconstruction Surgery in Tucson, AZ?

To learn more about your candidacy and breast reconstruction options in Tucson, AZ, call Dr. Nelson’s office at (520) 575-8400 or fill out our online contact form Today.

Before and After Photos - Individual results may vary. Some images may be models.
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