The breasts succumbing to gravity is a common problem for many women. Whether it’s due to genetics, weight loss, or pregnancy, breast tissue can become weak over time.
This weak tissue causes the breasts to become heavy and sag. When this happens, many women feel self-conscious or uncomfortable. However, the good news is that breast lift surgery (mastopexy) is the answer for women who are looking to achieve more youthful and contoured breasts.
If you suffer from any of the following, then a breast lift may be the procedure you’re looking for.
Have breast tissue that sits at or below the inframammary line?
Feel that your nipples have a poor or downward projection?
Think your breasts lack a youthful perkiness or shape?
Believe that pregnancy, weight loss, and/or aging have robbed you of an attractive breast appearance?
If you feel as though you may be a candidate for breast lift surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Nelson today.
Breast tissue that has lost its elasticity can begin to sag, causing your breasts to lose their perky shape and appearance. The goal of a breast lift is to support, shape, and strengthen the breast tissue while restoring a youthful breast appearance. Many women find that improving the placement and shape of their breasts helps them feel happier and more confident in their bodies.
Your incision placement is determined by the significance of your breast ptosis (sagging). Women with more severe cases of ptosis may find that they require more extensive incisions to provide adequate long-term support to their breasts. Dr. Nelson will advise you during your consultation on which incision is best suited for your needs. Your incision options may include:
Donut - the incision is placed along the outer border of the areola
Vertical popsicle - the incision runs around the areola and vertically down the lower breast tissue
Anchor - the incision runs around the areola, down the breast tissue, and along the inframammary crease
Women considering a breast lift to improve sagging may also feel that their breasts lack attractive fullness. This is common following pregnancy and weight loss when the breasts lose volume and develop tissue sagging. If you desire a fuller, more shapely breast appearance, you can consider combining a breast augmentation with your lift. Dr. Nelson offers breast augmentation using either fat transfer or implants. Either technique may be combined with a breast lift to improve the overall aesthetics of the breasts. A combination procedure can provide the right amount of fullness while improving the shape of your breasts in a one-time procedure.
After your breast lift surgery, you will have some bruising and swelling in your breasts. You may also experience some tightness and soreness in the surgical areas. These side effects are completely normal and should dissipate within a week or two. Additionally, any pain can be mediated with prescribed or over-the-counter medication.
You will be given a compression garment and surgical bra. It is important to wear these, as they help speed up your recovery by reducing the amount of swelling you experience.
It is important to allow your body to rest and heal during your breast lift recovery. This means that you should not engage in any strenuous activities, including exercise or lifting anything of weight, until you are cleared to do so by Dr. Nelson.
Once the swelling subsides and your breast lift results become final, you will be left looking and feeling younger than you have in years, and you’ll hopefully feel more confident and comfortable with your perkier breasts.
Many women choose to combine their breast lift with other procedures. Doing so allows you to experience a more dynamic and dramatic transformation. Additionally, choosing to combine procedures helps to lower the overall cost and recovery time. This is because you only need to pay once for many of the fees, including the surgeon’s fee, facility fee, and anesthesia, and you will be recovering from the procedures at the same time.
Some of the most common plastic surgery procedures combined with breast lift surgery include:
Before and After Photos - Individual results may vary. Some images may be models.
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