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Everything You Need to Know About Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty and Nasal Surgeries

Plastic Surgery has all these fancy terms like Blepharoplasty, Abdominoplasty, Platysmaplasty and, yes, Rhinoplasty.  “Plasty” essentially meant to change and rhino means nose, but more frequently we are making the nose smaller.

Rhinoplasty Techniques

Rhinoplasty is performed either by the endonasal approach with all incisions inside the nose, or the open approach with most of the incision inside but a small portion on the outer skin.  The open approach allows the skin and soft tissue to be lifted off the cartilage and bone of the nose making it possible to tailor the structures directly.  The plastic surgeon can then move tissues around, suture them directly or place grafts very precisely.  The patient’s anatomy and the surgeon’s comfort level with different techniques may determine the use of the open or endonasal approach.

Septoplasty and Turbinates

Often during Rhinoplasty we may also perform a septoplasty.  The septum is the stiff vertical support in the middle of the nose that separates the left from the right nostril and airway.  If the septum is deviated removing part may help the airway and breathing.  The septum can also be used to get graft material to help shape the tip of the nose or add volume to the dorsum.

Another structure in the nose that occasionally needs to be addressed is the turbinate.  The turbinates are inside the nose and moisturize the air we breathe.  Occasionally turbinates are enlarged and the patient’s breathing can improve by reducing the turbinates’ size.

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty is a specific subset of nasal surgeries to correct defects caused by trauma or cancer.  The focus of reconstructive procedures is to move local nasal or facial tissues around to fill the defects from cancer removals.  This brief introduction to nasal surgery does not permit me to cover the depth and breadth of Rhinoplasty and reconstruction.  Whole books are written about these individual topics.  In fact, many books have been written about Rhinoplasty alone.

Choosing a Rhinoplasty Surgeon

During your Rhinoplasty consult try to get a good sense of your Plastic Surgeon’s aesthetic judgment and clinical plan.  As a Tucson Plastic Surgeon I frequently utilize computer imaging for these surgeries, though not all surgeons like that approach.  Take time to go through pre and post op photos to be sure you are comfortable with the surgeon’s results and approach to specific cases.

To Schedule a complimentary consultation please call 520-575-8400 or visit www.jnelsonmd.com

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