Arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, removes excess fat and skin from the upper arms to create a tighter and firmer contour, allowing patients to feel confident showing off their arms.
Flabby or hanging skin is damaging your self-confidence
You have excess fat in the upper arms
You have experienced significant weight loss
Your arms are aging your overall appearance
You only wear long-sleeved tops or cannot find clothing that properly fits because of your arms
Ideal for patients with excess upper arm fat
Can be performed without skin excision if the patient has good skin elasticity and tone
A thin, hollow tube suctions out unwanted fat through small incisions
Results in less visible scarring
Liposuction can be performed above the nerves and muscles for less swelling and numbness when combined with skin excision
Reduces the circumference of the arm
Contours the upper arms for a firm and toned appearance
Ideal for patients with mild to severe skin laxity
May be combined with liposuction to improve the tone of the arm
Incision length varies depending on the patient’s specific needs
Short incisions located in the armpit and just down the lower arm are ideal for patients with less laxity
The traditional arm lift incision runs from the armpit to the elbow
Extended incisions that run past the elbow may be needed for patients with significant weight loss and skin laxity
Before and After Photos - Individual results may vary. Some images may be models.
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